15th Bonney Lake Triathlon

Bonney Lake Tri + AquaBike + Du

Race Site: See results and photos QR code to race info

Aug. 31, 2024

Allan Yorke Park
7625 W Tapps Hwy E, Bonney Lake

Schedule for the Day:


6:30 AM– Packet pickup open
– Transition opens
– Bike support onsite: NW Tri & Bike
7:15 AMTransition monitored
7:50 AMAll olympic racers must be out of transition
8:15 AMAll sprint racers must be out of transition


8:00 AMOlympic- Wave # 1 start (Wave chart at bottom of page)
8:30 AM(Approx.) Sprint – 1st wave start(time based on olympic swim)
10:30 AM(Approx.) Sprint, Du & Aquabike course Awards
11:00 AMAll bikers are off the bike course
11:30 AM(Approx.) Olympic Distance Awards
12:00 PMCourse Closes -> no support on course

General Info

USA Triathlon Rules Apply at ALL Times –You are responsible for being familiar with USAT rules.  (Please review the USAT Commonly Violated Triathlon Rules)
Devices: Phones are allowed on course. But you may not use your phone, smart watch, etc. in a distracting manner. If someone else can hear it – it’s distracting.
NO HEADPHONES, EARBUDS, Portable speakers, etc. on course – BIKE or RUN
ROADS are OPEN for both run and bike.  BE AWARE OF OTHERS ON THE ROAD Be alert to all traffic and traffic control – You may be asked to pause at an intersection.

Transition Info

Before the race, when you first enter transition with your bike, we will be checking the following:
  • That the bike number is on your bike.
  • And that the bike’s handlebar ends must be solidly plugged
To rack your bike, find the rack with your number range. You have the width of your bike handlebars to set items out. (If you are taking up too much space a staff member may move it or ask you to.)
  • The transitions for all events will take place in the same area. You may not ride your bike inside transition.
  • All participants must know the course. All participants need to count their own laps, if the course requires it.
After the race, when taking your bike from transition –  Please have your bib AND bike number ready to show.
**Bikes won’t be released until we see bib (or body marking).**

Transition is for participants ONLY!

Swim Info

Sprint =>   ONE loop.– clockwise;  Sprint swimmers have 30 min.from your start.
Olympic => TWO loops – clockwise; Olympic swimmers have 1 hr. from your start.
  • There will be lifeguards (with swim noodles) and boats in the water to assist you. If you are tired and need assistance you may hold on to the boat to rest. Signal by raising your hand. If the boat propels you forward, you may be disqualified. You MUST wear the swim cap provided with your packet. Color indicates your wave.No swim aids, such as fins are allowed. Swim buoy use isn’t allowed during the race
Wetsuits are not required.
Water temp is usually 68-72 range.
If you wear a wetsuit, please check that your chip is still on after removing your wetsuit, before the bike.
  • Know your exact start time/wave, if you start in the wrong wave you can be DQed.Waves are split by USAT age (age on 12/31 of the year) and category.
**If there is a water emergency, participants will be alerted and asked to return to shore.**
The Duathlon starts when the 1st SPRINT wave starts. Start near the dock, along the road.

Bike Info

NO DRAFTING is allowed.   
Sprint = 1 loop; Olympic => TWO loops (You must count)
Bike course closure: You must be done by 11 am.
  • Bring at least 1 water bottle for your bike.
    There is no water support on the bike course.Helmets must be on whenever you’re on the bike *WITH* strap fastened.Bike course turns = 3 ORANGE cones with directional arrows. Follow these cones.
NOTE: Most years the county chip seals some of the roads on the route. Watch for loose gravel.

Run Info

  • There will be a water station at the turn arounds (5K & 10K) and exiting transition.Bib Number must be always facing forward during the run and at finish.Run course turns = 2 ORANGE cones with directional arrows. Follow these cones. RUN COURSE CLOSURE: All support ends at noon; If you have not reached the 5K turn around by 11:30 am, you will be asked to turn around or you may continue – knowing the course support ends at noon.
Remember: ALL roads are open. Be aware to ALL traffic!Know the routes!! (Click to get to course info)

Relay Info

1st Transition: The swimmer will meet the bicyclist in the transition area and transfer the timing chip.
2nd Transition: The cyclist will return to the transition area, at the same place he/she left from to transfer the timing chip to the runner.

Award Info

  • Awards will be given to overall in male and female in each race. The age groups in the triathlon will receive 1/2/3 place. If you place and are unable to wait for the awards ceremony, please check in with Trio Multisport to get the award. We won’t mail out awards. Results are continually updated throughout the race online – follow the QR code at the top of the 1st page -then to results.
**Per USAT Guidelines, it is the participant’s responsibility to know the course.**Links to route maps are in the chart below
If any staff or volunteer reports anyone breaking a rule above or listed in USAT rules. You will be disqualified. Please consider this your warning.
SegmentDistanceLink – all links start with https://ridewithgps.com/routes/
(Click on the numbers to get to the routes)
1st Run
1.1 Miles41493334
0.32 miles / 563 yds41492578
12.2 miles41492529
0.9 miles / 1584 yds
(2 Loops)
20.8 miles
(2 Loops of outer circle)
Duathlon: 1st Run, Sprint Bike and Sprint Run
Aquabike follows the Olympic or Sprint swim, then bike; Finish at the mat at Transition 2-In. Then head to Finish Line for Finisher’s Medal
Map of all courses.
All routes for the Bonney Lake Triathlon. Note: Mileage in green indicates the Olympic bike’s 2nd loop.
Picture of map of swim routes